Friday, September 30, 2005

I am so in love with the iPod nano...its simply so sleek and absolute masterpiece...must get it this weekend.My patience is tethering on the edge of breaking.Temptations don't come bigger than this...haha...

Just received a call from the Air Force for my pilot interview.Apparently I passed the initial test and they had mistakenly informed me that I had failed.I'm really at a lost over what to do...will this be just another attempt to dangle a carrot in front of me and yank it away when I'm just reaching for it?All my planning had just went out of the window...

A sign that I have my path chosen for me...I ain't objecting too much that's for sure...

4:31 AM

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Prelims was nothing less than shambolic and disastrous...eons away from my target.Maybe its just a bad reflection of my topic selecting stuying style.Forever dependant on mood swings to selct the topics that I wish to study or not.FEC is nothing to rave at.Absolutely disgraceful indeed...Just where had the A eluded me again.

I just can't tolerate the hypocritical whining.People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.All those despicable acts just spurs me on to prove a single point.Talent is everything...Hardwork amounts for little.

11:08 AM

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Prelims is finally over!Giving me the chance to let all hell break loose...Clocked 7 hours of DOTA on the last day of exams when I should be sleeping to repay my sleep debt.I would like to attribute all my eleventh hour cramming to endless cups of tea and menthol.Actually I was rather lucky in my slipshod studies.Compressed two whole years of lectures into one night of insane mugging.But despite the lack of effort,I'll think I'll still do quite well.But its no more fooling around from next week onwards,

My GP essay got above 30 when ms quek gave me a clue on my grades.A major relieved considering that I wasn't really in the mood to do any writing that day and I was preparing to fail the essay.Monday will be the time for me to pay my dues then...Really got to go for it and not hold back whatsoever.

I just don't get it how to say what I want to say.Especially when the gap is so huge there's no way for any form of fortuitous opportunities.So unlike the typical VS guy...

4:58 AM

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

This damn brain of mine just refuses to accept all the info...A very petulant mind indeed...maybe it just needs someone worthy enough for it to compete against...a worthy competitor is just so hard to find...

6:44 AM


Name: Eugene
School: Victoria & TPJC
Birthday: 30 Oct

Stuck in ns at the moment


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